3 Essential Furniture Pieces for Hospitals
IntroductionIf you are involved in the healthcare industry and need to set up a hospital, clinic, physical therapy center, or any other essential service that cares for the health and well-being of people living in your community, then you may be in the process of researching which hospital furniture you need to furnish your space with exactly to create a welcoming and comforting environment.
While there is so much to say about patient room furniture and the right adjustable hospital room furniture, there are lesser-known, or just simply lesser-thought-about, furniture for hospitals that are important to the impression left on patients and the working experience of hard-working staff. Come with us on a journey to discover three important hospital furniture pieces that should be considered essential when furnishing your healthcare establishment.
Hip Chairs for an Accommodating Waiting RoomIt's no secret that coming into your hospital for the first time and many times over will be people of different needs, abilities, pains, and the like. That means that there should be a whole range of hospital furniture options that are ready at hand to accommodate those who need them. Imagine for a second that you've injured your ankle. You have no crutch but have to get yourself to the hospital. What do you do? What accommodations can you make for yourself? Who will help you? It almost doesn't matter. Once you get to the hospital, you'll know you're in a safe area. The hospital is the place where people know they will be safe and have their illnesses addressed. Some, like a hip chair, can help to do that.
Alimed.com describes hip chairs as "rehabilitative chairs... with a higher seat, which eliminates the need to flex the hip when getting up or sitting down. This is an ideal solution for patients... recovering from hip replacement...suffering from hip and knee arthritis, or with other infirmities that make sitting or standing difficult." Providing comfortable hip chairs in your waiting room or reserving them in a separate area for patients who have expressed their inability to sit easily or are looking to address their hip or knee pain is important to have on hand. Consider keeping and setting up a few hip chairs in the waiting room, as hip surgery patient room chairs, and storage for other cases.
Hospital Whiteboards for OrganizationPatients look to you to remember when they came in, to be seen quickly and as close to their scheduled time as possible, and they even expect you to remember important details about their visit (despite the hundreds of visitors you see a day). That's why the organization is the pinnacle of your success as a hospital. There's nothing more frustrating than feeling sick and either chasing down a nurse to ask when you'll finally be seen, reminding the doctor of your dietary restrictions, or, heaven forbid, taking medications or having a procedure performed on you that was meant for another patient. Hospital whiteboards and dry-erase boards are a necessity, among other things, for a well-oiled machine.
Hospital patient whiteboards set up in each room will help you track and manage all of the particular ins and outs of the patient during their stay. They also offer visibility for the patient to know what is being communicated and for other staff to easily know the most important basics about the visitor. Operating room whiteboards, likewise, can be as detailed as offering specific information about a patient undergoing surgery or broader details such as the daily operating room schedule. Being a smoothly functioning hospital every single day is not always possible, but having a system like a hospital whiteboard can help make it the norm rather than the exception.
Welcoming Reception DeskPeople feel most welcome where they are most welcome. At the hospital, this is not only important but can most likely put people at ease, which is important for the healing process. Therefore, a waiting room or reception area that is relaxing and friendly is another essential. There are so many ways to do this with the right sofa, side and coffee tables, TV, magazines, complimentary coffees and teas, or something as simple as the hospital reception desk with friendly and patient staff behind it.
However you choose to design this space, keep in mind the people and problems coming through the door and how and what you would want to be greeted by upon arrival. Need a bit more help with furnishing your space? Learn about the type of commercial furniture available here. furniture, hospital, hospital furniture, waiting room
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